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The new Mr and Mrs

Friday, October 21, 2011
We got married! That's right! We did it! And with minimal stress and oops moments lol.
Well, kinda.

I'm not going to go into all of the details about the wedding. I'm just too busy at work for all that. I'll post pictures once I get them from the photographer - who by the way was amazing!

Anyhow - In celebration of our newly joined lives together I'm taking this blog by storm. We are getting an overhaul over here - and a commitment to more posts! Be on the lookout for changes - change is good!

Speaking of change...

I'm sure many of you have heard about the OCCUPY events that are going on - all the (hopefully) peaceful demonstrations and such springing up all over the nation inspired by OCCUPY WALL STREET.
We have an OCCUPY event here locally as well - and a friend of mine worked it out so that local moms and dads could bring their kids to the demonstration and support the cause. Obviously with small children (most of us) are not willing to tent overnight in the park indefinitely or at all - but we have a scheduled time for all of us to meet and experience the movement with our children and show our support. Toad and I are taking Turtle-Love to the demonstration later today. I'm excited! My first demonstration/protest! I need to remember to pack snacks and water, the ergo and toys, and warm clothes to bundle us in. Maybe some onesies and t-shirts so we can get in on some activist fun!


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